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RE/MAX and HouseCanary Announce Strategic Alliance

RE/MAX, LLC, a leading real estate brokerage franchisor, and HouseCanary, a leading modern data analytics company for real estate professionals, announced today their collaboration that aims to make RE/MAX agents more productive than ever.

Data from RISMedia’s 2016 Power Broker Report as well as the 2016 REAL Trends 500 survey shows that RE/MAX agents outsell other agents by more than 2 to 1 at large brokerages included in the surveys. RE/MAX executives see an opportunity for their brokers and agents to increase their use of modern data and technology to generate leads and become even more productive.

“HouseCanary is a data powerhouse and we are excited to work with them to provide our agents with tools and products that will enhance the personal service they provide to customers,” says Mike Ryan, RE/MAX executive vice president. “HouseCanary gets to the ‘heart of the matter,’ providing valuable intelligence, street by street and home by home.”

HouseCanary is a real estate analytics company using data science to accurately value and forecast over 18,000 U.S. residential markets and 100 million properties. Trusted by leading lenders and institutional investors, the Silicon Valley company is now serving real estate brokers and agents, arming them with an information advantage at a time when homebuyers and sellers are increasingly seeking expert advice backed by reliable data.

Available to RE/MAX Affiliates through the dedicated Approved Suppliers portal, HouseCanary’s Value Reports empower real estate professionals with unique market and property-level intelligence to stay in touch with their clients, recruit new clients and close deals more quickly. Accurate home values and three-year forecasts, in an industry where valuations have been suspect, are at the core of the reports.

“Other home valuation methods are based largely on historical comparable sales,” says HouseCanary CEO Jeremy Sicklick. “HouseCanary measures price movements on every residential block in the country, allowing for precise valuations today and three years into the future. Our algorithms combine 40 years of history, 1 billion residential transactions and hundreds of proprietary calculations influencing home values, such as capital markets, jobs, traffic…even views from a property’s backyard.”

Exclusive access to this unique data elevates the real estate professional’s role as provider of market information and trusted advisor. In markets facing low inventory, rising prices and interest rates, the ability to provide clients and leads with a three-year forecast of a home’s value serves as a clear competitive advantage. Offering accurate market demand figures unavailable elsewhere, months of supply, and market rent by square foot for similar properties, the reports allow REALTORS® to become a trusted source of information and “prove their gut” on property prices, the firms state.

For more information about RE/MAX, please visit www.remax.com.

For more information about HouseCanary, please visit www.housecanary.com.

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