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Editor’s Note: This was originally published on RISMedia’s blog, Housecall. See what else is cookin’ now at blog.rismedia.com:

Remember backyards? Those things we’ve been ignoring for the past four months? They’re back! They might not be looking as sharp as they did before winter, but we’ve got some rad DIY backyard projects to bring it back to life.

  1. Ground-Level Trampoline

Photo Credit: Little Green Fingers

Do you live in constant fear of your kids falling off the trampoline? Honestly—parenting fears aside—trampolines might be fun, but they’re pretty ugly structures. Well, with these sunken trampolines, you’ll never have to worry about either of those things. Just dig a hole, place your trampoline, and voila! (Ground-Level Trampoline Instructions)

  1. The Only Thing Better Than a Tree House


Photo Credit: LazySundayCooking.com

Marta Potoczek was looking for a treehouse alternative, something that looked nice but offered a little distance from the main house. Her solution was this adorable garden house, originally for her daughter to play in and now a perfect woman cave. Moral of the story: Your treehouse need not be on a tree.

  1. Tin Can Lanterns


Photo Credit: GrowCreativeBlog.com

This project is both DIY and eco-friendly (because recycling is good). They are easy to make, and will elevate your backyard to the next level. It’s a win-win! (Tin Can Lantern Instructions)

  1. How About Some Outdoor Tic-Tac-Toe?


Photo Credit: DesignDiningandDiapers.com

I don’t have a backyard, but I’m considering making one of these anyways. Not only is Tic-Tac-Toe the best (especially when you’re super good at it), but it also scores high in decorative value. With little effort, you’ll come across as cool and tasteful. (Outdoor Tic-Tac-Toe Instructions/Supply List)

  1. Vertical Garden


Photo Credit: 99Pallets.com

Since we’ve already installed a sunken trampoline, a play house/woman cave, and have a Tic-Tac-Toe board lying around, how about we go for space efficiency with this one? A vertical garden can cover any and all walls. It looks good, it smells nice, and you can eat it! That is the best of all the worlds, if you ask me. (Vertical Garden Instructions)

  1. Last, but Not Least: I Promised a Fire Pit


Photo Credit: KeepingItSimpleCrafts.com

If you can’t roast s’mores in your backyard, is it even a backyard? I’m going to go with no. This DIY project costs only $60 to make, but look how fancy. This fire pit will make the perfect centerpiece for the intense fantasy backyard we just built together. (Also: s’mores.)

An awesome backyard is just one DIY away.

Gabrielle van Welie is RISMedia’s editorial intern. Email her your real estate news ideas at gvanwelie@rismedia.com.

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