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Technology continues to transform the world we live and work in, and that is particularly true in real estate. The challenge for brokers and their agents is keeping up with the latest technologies and adopting those that will help them save time, earn more and best serve their clients. The REach® technology accelerator program from the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) identifies the top technology companies that have the potential to add value to REALTORS® and the industry as a whole. REach® is proud to announce the nine companies that have been selected for the Class of 2017.

Benefits – How Does REach® Help You?
No single broker, or agent, has time to sort through thousands of technology companies and find the ones that can truly help you save time and earn more in your business. REach® does that homework for you.

By connecting these start-ups to the real estate industry, REach® helps ensure that new technologies are designed in ways that provide the optimum benefit to real estate professionals, while also supporting your role as being central to real estate transactions. Selected from hundreds of applicants, the companies chosen for the Class of 2017 showcase a wide array of technology solutions, including 3D home tours, residential valuations, remote electronic notary services, portable safety devices, facial biometrics to sign and encrypt emails, and more.

Viewed from a larger perspective, REach® supports innovation and the growth of small businesses, contributing to the U.S. economy while also helping consumers access beneficial technology.

REach® Insight Panel – How Can You Get Involved?
For chosen companies, one key benefit is access to an online panel of industry practitioners for feedback and beta testing. Brokers and agents can sign up to participate on the panel and receive first access to the new technologies introduced by REach® companies.

Panelists choose one or more companies to review, then receive a free test account and exclusive discounts from the companies in exchange for providing feedback on their experience. The commitment is small, and the experience to shape customized products is very rewarding.

The testing period is typically launched in the summer months and closes on September 30 of every year. To learn more, or to sign up, visit narREach.com/realtors.

REach® Class of 2017
The nine latest companies range from seed stage to well-capitalized start-ups backed by world-renowned investors. In the aggregate, this class has raised over $50 million in previous financings and total valuation exceeds $350 million. The 2017 class includes:

Adwerx – Makes digital advertising brilliantly simple

Centriq – Transfers home organization, repair and maintenance knowledge from the seller to the buyer while keeping the real estate professional top of mind

HouseCanary – Differentiating real estate professionals’ businesses with the most complete and accurate home valuations and analytics for every block and property in the U.S.

immoviewer – Create and share 3D home tours—fast, easy and affordable

Notarize – Makes closings more efficient with legal notarization of documents from a mobile device or desktop 24 hours a day, seven days a week

Occly – A portable 2-in-1 alarm solution that keeps real estate professionals safe and properties secure

Pearl Certification – Sell an energy-efficient, high-performing home faster—and for more—with a Pearl Certification.

Relola – Helps real estate professionals unlock insider property knowledge with tools that digitize, amplify and market their everyday tasks

TrustedMail – Protects against wire fraud and email spoofing using facial-biometrics to sign and encrypt email and attachments.

About Second Century Ventures
Second Century Ventures (SCV) is the strategic investment arm of the National Association of Realtors®. SCV invests in technology companies that are innovating real estate, while keeping the REALTOR® at the center of the transaction. REach® is an SCV company.

To learn more about REach®, and previous participants in the accelerator, visit narREach.com.

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