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Editor’s Note: This was originally published on RISMedia’s blog, Housecall. See what else is cookin’ now at blog.rismedia.com:

The comfort level of your home is significantly influenced by the design of the interior setting. It’s important that you decorate with the latest trends to create a modern and contemporary setting that reflects your taste. If you’re looking to update your home decoration, here are a few designs to consider using this year.

Marble is a luxe material that looks stunning when used in different areas of the home. Marble countertops create a regal environment in the kitchen or bathrooms and can boost the home’s value. Marble accent pieces can also be used with a side table that is placed in the living room or a marble clock in a home office. Marble wallpaper or fabric will also make a statement if you want a more affordable option when furnishing your home.

Jewel Tones
Jewel tones add a subtle amount of color to the interior setting and help to brighten up the space. Jewel colors consist of pastel shades, emerald green, and violet. The colors will reflect the outside setting and will allow you to maintain a neutral environment that isn’t overly bold or loud.

Nailhead Details
Nailhead details have made a comeback from past years and are a popular look for different furniture pieces that are used throughout the home. Choose a headboard that has a nailhead design or a sofa that incorporates the luxe look. Although it’s commonly added onto upholstered pieces, it is also used to create intriguing patterns on the fabric for extra embellishment that looks eclectic.

Subway Tiles
Subway tiles continue to be a hit this year for their sleek and urban style that creates a light and airy setting in bathrooms and kitchens. Subway tiles are a versatile choice that looks classic and can work with a variety of different styles. You can utilize subway tiles to work with a farmhouse style or bohemian design. Use a dark grout with the tiles to prevent dirt from being visible as you use the space. The tiles are also available at different prices, making them affordable for most budgets. If you want to have a twist on the design, opt for installing matte glass subway tiles.

Metallic Details
Metallic details add extra shimmer to interior settings and can dress up the space. Use brass hardware on your kitchen cabinets or install a silver chandelier in the middle of the room to set the style of the space. Metallic features can also be added to the outside of the home with copper rain gutters that are installed.

Modern Holiday Decorations
When it’s time to decorate during the holiday season, modern decorations are popular to create a chic setting that doesn’t have to be traditional. Use a white Christmas tree that will stand out in the room and look beautiful with metallic ornaments that are hung on the branches. Real garland that is draped on the fireplace mantle will also look appealing and can add a touch of the outdoor setting into your home.

More people are choosing wallpaper over paint to add extra detail with fun prints and patterns that set the tone of each room. For larger spaces, choose an accent wall where you can apply the wallpaper, which should work within the color scheme of the setting.

When you want to transform the inside of your home, these are a few decorations to choose from. By incorporating trendy decor looks, you’ll create a stunning environment that will look chic and updated for several years to come.

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