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Editor’s Note: This was originally published on RISMedia’s blog, Housecall. See what else is cookin’ now at blog.rismedia.com:

Who wants a boring old staircase when you can find a fancy way to climb to bed each night? Below are five of our favorite ways to elevate yourself, moving way past the classic spiral.



Image Credit: Complex.com

These boxy babies reside at Milan’s Gray Hotel. Float upstairs in style. If you create these yourself, consider ditching the slant so you can use the boxes as a bookshelf.



Image Credit: Inspirationsweb.com

Making the best of a small space? These stairs are for you! Store clothes, books, shoes, or kitchen supplies in these fun pull outs.



Image Credit: Huh Magazine, Moon Hoon

This one’s for those with kids or those who are nurturing their inner child. Located at the Panorama House in Korea, this slide/stairs/bookshelf combo is a must-have addition for any library or play space.

Space Age


Image Credit: Pinterest

Want to live on a spaceship? Well, you probably can’t, but you can choose a spacey staircase. This podular design is uber futuristic.



Image Credit: Marvel Building

Art lovers, check it out: These trippy, drippy stairs are the ideal addition to a stand-out space. Functional art you can walk on? Yes, please!

Which of these staircases would you choose?

Zoe Eisenberg is RISMedia’s senior content editor. Email her your real estate news ideas at zoe@rismedia.com.

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