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When it comes to staying ahead of the competition, real estate professionals are pulling out all the stops, focusing on new and innovative ways to generate more business. For the folks at William Pitt and Julia B. Fee Sotheby’s International Realty in Stamford, Conn., a recent partnership with Buyside—a platform that turns buyer data directly into leads and listings—has opened a whole new window of opportunity for the brokerage and its agents at large.

For those not using Buyside? “You’re leaving opportunities on the table,” says Chief Operations Officer Vin Socci, who goes on to explain that agents being able to match buyers with listings and listings with buyers is one of the platform’s biggest benefits.

Leveraging Buyside to tap into buyer data, Socci notes that the product is a boon for agents who already have an active listing, as well as those currently working with a buyer. “Not only can agents with active listings log into the system and match properties to prospective buyers by reaching out to the buyer’s agent, but those who already have a buyer can automatically see which listings match their client’s specific needs.”

While office meetings have traditionally been used to broadcast listings, Buyside is changing the name of the game by providing a platform to elevate this practice on a company level.

One thing that hasn’t changed as the industry continues to evolve at a rapid pace is the age-old question every seller asks: How many buyers do you have for my house?

“Without Buyside, it’s very hard to answer this question,” says Socci, who wholeheartedly believes in the value of being able to see how many buyers there are for a particular market area or property, from the corporate level all the way down to the agent level. “Buyside provides our agents the ability to differentiate themselves by being able to answer this one question.”

But the benefits don’t end there. In fact, the firm is taking advantage of the Buyside platform to generate seller leads by leveraging instant home valuations.

“Visitors to our site have the ability to type in an address and get three valuations of the property in question, with calls to action for lead opportunities,” says Socci. “Our agents can then come in as the experts that they are in order to leverage MLS data and actual comps, providing a great segue from prospective seller to generating the lead opportunity.”

All in all, the experience has been a positive one for Socci and each and every agent on the firm’s roster.

“The team at Buyside has been phenomenal. Not only have they been deeply involved with integrating our system into the product, but they’ve been a resource for us throughout its deployment,” says Socci.

For more information, please visit www.getbuyside.com.

Paige Tepping is RISMedia’s managing editor. Email her your real estate news ideas at paige@rismedia.com.

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