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SOTSA_Book_Cover_Front_2688After 17 years in real estate, authoring “The Foreclosure Revolution” and building a large real estate portfolio, Joe Sesso, national speaker for Homes.com, is excited to introduce to the public his latest project: his new book, “Secrets of Top Selling Agents,” which is based on the popular webinar series of the same name.

“I watched every episode and I’ve encouraged countless agents over the years to do the same,” said Sesso in an interview with webinar host Deb Helleren. “I realized if I could take the meat and potatoes from my favorite episodes and compile them into one book that it could help agents learn the valuable lessons and tips from these industry titans.”

Sesso was able to pull together tips from some of the biggest names in real estate.

“This might be the first time we’ve ever gotten Dave Liniger and Gary Keller in the same book. Even along with Barbara Corcoran…I mean, this could be a historical first in the history of real estate,” Sesso said.

With tips from the founders of companies like RE/MAX, Keller Williams, the Corcoran Group, dotloop, Tom Ferry International and Curaytor, there’s lots of expertise to be had.

“This book provides a blueprint for success from successful people who have mastered their business, so if agents can follow the principles of this book, they can be extremely successful in real estate,” said Sesso. “There’s no question about that.”

What’s really remarkable about the book is the range of advice. No two speakers take the same approach to real estate.

“I specifically assembled these chapters so that each one could provide an education and a different aspect of the real estate business,” Sesso said. “For example, I have an entire chapter dedicated to social media, which was done by Katie Lance, who is the queen of social media in real estate. I have an entire chapter that’s done for videography, which was done by Raj Qsar who is probably one of the most innovative and best videographers. I have one that’s dedicated solely to scripts, and that’s from Leigh Brown, who is an amazing, amazing REALTOR® with RE/MAX.”

It’s not just the speakers who are brought together with “Secrets of Top Selling Agents,” but also the readers. No one reading this book is going to feel left out or like they need to switch companies to utilize the tips.

“Whether you own an office, whether it’s a RE/MAX or a Keller Williams or a Coldwell Banker, whatever it might be, any brand out there, this book is for you…whether you’re a brand-new agent or a veteran who’s looking to really build on their business and be able to take it to the next level.”

To order your copy of this must-read book, go to SecretsofTopSellingAgentsBook.com.

For more information, please visit connect.homes.com.

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