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Buyside helps Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices’ agents attract and convert seller leads

While most top producing real estate professionals understand that having quality leads in the pipeline equates to more sales, generating these high-quality leads can be a challenge—especially in low-inventory markets where listing leads are the hottest commodity. Enter Buyside, a company that helps agents find seller leads by analyzing the demand activity, and helps to keep the seller loyal post-transaction.

“As a business services provider, we’re always looking to provide our brokers with tools that will add value to them, their clients, and their business,” says Jason Waugh, president and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northwest Real Estate and Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Real Estate Professionals. Waugh says he uses Buyside to provide premium resources his team needs to not only excel, but also to become the deep well of service knowledge their clients deserve.

So how does it work? Buyside finds quality seller leads by helping agents lean on an asset they already have: their buyers. In real-time, the company analyzes the thousands of buyer leads that have been generated each month and uses them to help attract those highly coveted seller leads. Buyside provides sellers with a lead-gen marketing suite that includes customized landing pages with multiple property valuations, guiding potential home sellers to inquire about receiving a professional valuation and advice.

“While nothing will replace the need for an experienced professional, the intelligence from Buyside is proven to rapidly convert a lead to a revenue-producing customer,” says Waugh.

Buyside not only helps brokers generate seller leads, but it also gives brokerages insight into their real-time buyer inventory. The platform consumes buyer search criteria data from users of the brokerage’s website, buyers that have been manually entered by their agent, and many other sources, including data from the major consumer web portals.

The knowledge Buyside agents are able to share with their clientele allows them to distinguish themselves in their market.

“One of the most proven axioms in the business is that the most knowledgeable real estate brokers deliver the best real estate experience,” says Waugh. “The market intelligence and actionable information generated by Buyside results in us having the most informed and knowledgeable broker delivering the best real estate service possible.”

Waugh also notes that having Buyside in his company’s toolbox helps when it comes to recruiting and retaining the best talent.

“When the organization is evaluating outside services to invest in, we ask ourselves: ‘Will this help our existing brokers provide more value?’ and ‘Will they help in attracting new talent to the company?’ We place a high premium on critical decision-making data and are committed to having the most knowledgeable brokers in the industry. The Buyside platform is in perfect alignment with our goals.”

For more information, please visit www.getbuyside.com.

Zoe Eisenberg is RISMedia’s senior content editor. Email her your real estate news ideas at zoe@rismedia.com.

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