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Brokers: Are you resonating…still? Join RISMedia for this month’s FREE ACE webinar on recruitment, retention and value proposition.

What: RISMedia’s ACE Webinar Series – Brokers: Increasing Relevancy – New Ways to Recruit and Retain

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When: Wednesday, November 1, 2017 at 3 p.m. ET / 2 p.m. CT / 1 p.m. MT / 12 p.m. PT

Who: Featuring Rick Geha, The Rick Geha Team; Nate Martinez, RE/MAX Professionals; and Bill Yaman, Imprev, Inc.; moderated by Terri Murphy, MurphyonRealEstate.com, Terri Murphy Communications, Workman Success Systems

Register now!

For live coverage of the webinar, follow @RISMediaUpdates and use #RISWebinar.

About the Webinar

Rick_GehaRick Geha, leader of The Rick Geha Team and a speaker, trainer and coach, has over 30 years of experience in the industry. Known as “The Freedom Pathfinder,” Geha has motivated others to embrace their path to personal freedom through buying and selling homes.

Nate_Martinez_100x100Nate Martinez is broker/co-owner of RE/MAX Professionals in Glendale, Ariz. Martinez, certified ABR®, CRS, GRI, e-PRO® and SFR®, among other designations, and a coach with Workman Success Systems, oversees six offices in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Martinez is also a speaker, having trained hundreds of real estate professionals in the value of education.

bill_yaman_100-100Bill Yaman, president and chief revenue officer of Imprev, Inc., has nearly 30 years of experience driving sales and marketing for world-class technology companies. Imprev powers real estate marketing automation for brokerages and franchises, including some of the most respected brands in real estate. Over 20 percent of real estate agents in North America are on the Imprev platform.

Moderated by


terri_murphy_100x100Moderator Terri Murphy, coach with Workman Success Systems, founder of MurphyOnRealEstate.com and president of Terri Murphy Communications and CIO of U.S. Learning, is an author, communication engagement specialist and speaker.

Each month, RISMedia’s webinars draw over 1,000 agents and brokers from across the country eager for exclusive insight from the industry’s most profitable professionals. To view our last webinar, “Don’t Lose Business to Your Competition: Fulfilling Needs of Today’s Buyers,” please visit RISMedia’s Housecall.

For the latest real estate news and trends, bookmark RISMedia.com.