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For Chad Dixon, a broker associate with RE/MAX Results in Edina, Minn., figuring out the fastest, most effective way to get things done with the least amount of clicks is the name of the game when it comes to staying ahead of the competition. And with Realtors Property ResourceĀ® (RPRĀ®) by his side, he’s been able to do just that.

While the ease of use associated with the RPR platform and the presentation of its reports initially piqued Dixon’s interest, he now turns to RPR on a daily basisā€”sometimes up to five times a day.

An avid proponent of both the RPR Property and Mini Property Reports, Dixon has a unique competitive advantage in that he’s providing people way more data than most agents can provide.

“RPR’s Property Report is a way for me to generate something to give to the consumer about the home in which they’re inquiring,” says Dixon. “Not only do they love the data included within the report, but the layout is gorgeous, as well. It looks like something I spent a lot of time working on and putting together.”

And for occasions where the standard 26-page report may be overkill, Dixon can simply choose the fields to include in the report.

“My clients absolutely love it. The presentation is spectacular, it doesn’t take any time, and I can even do it from my phone via the mobile app,” says Dixon, who can’t say enough about RPR’s mobile appā€”a boon for today’s busy real estate professional.

“It’s great to be able to send a report when you’re standing in the kitchen,” adds Dixon. “People want a copy of it to use as a reference point because of all the data that’s in it. All I have to do is punch in the email address and hit send.”

A true game changer in today’s tech-driven environment, the entire RPR platform has been instrumental in giving Dixon a leg up on the competition.

“Utilizing RPR helps me stand out because a lot of agents are intimidated by technology. They feel like they have to be sitting behind the computer putting a whole bunch of work into creating a report to give to someone,” concludes Dixon.

For more information, please visit www.narrpr.com.

Paige Tepping is RISMedia’s managing editor. Email her your real estate news ideas at paige@rismedia.com.

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