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Clareity’s Broker Dashboard sets the stage for happier, more productive agents

Before aligning everyone at Sioux Falls’ Hegg, REALTORS® on the Clareity Broker Dashboard, Broker/Owner Gregg Gohl found company intranet messages weren’t immediately reaching certain agents he may have been corresponding with, or his entire staff, in a timely manner.

But today, according to the firm’s Director of Operations Kim Schafer, no agent or support staffer can access the regional MLS—or any company resource—without passing through a custom-designed dashboard.

With an eye on expanding the use of their Broker Dashboard components even further, Hegg, REALTORS® is taking advantage of the Clareity notification module, which allows a handful of administrators and managers to send messages to unique groups of users, providing Schafer a platform on which she can publish original content with a built-in content management system.

“With our local MLS using the Clareity Dashboard as its single-sign on (SSO) solution, we knew our agents were already logging in on a daily basis,” says Gohl. “By creating a brokerage dashboard the agents must view before logging into our MLS software, we were able to tailor a single site that has most everything they need to do their jobs.”

Instead of searching through countless other websites and files, agents can find whatever they need quickly and easily. Under Clareity’s guidance, Gohl customized the firm’s dashboard with links to specific resource websites, a forms library, information about continuing education, lists of vendors, marketing materials, and more.

“We pipeline agents into a system that shows them all the local permits that have been pulled on properties they may be handling, links to things like school system details, vetted home inspectors, flood maps, a parcel finder, and our local county GIS systems,” says Schafer. “And we’ve chosen to put all the forms in the system, so every possible form that may be involved in a transaction is there for them in one place.”

Schafer also posts about upcoming events, agent meetings and training.

“Our company used to use an intranet, but we were challenged to drive agents to initiate logging into it. Now, all the information we need them to know is put in front of them every time they want to log into the MLS, so they can’t miss it,” says Schafer. “It certainly has improved agent accountability.”

Schafer also employs a tool to send individuals or groups of agents a pop-up that freezes the screen for 15 seconds or more if there’s a priority message or correspondence they need to view.

“They have to read it before they can even pass through to the dashboard, which is getting us close to a 100 percent response rate,” says Schaefer. “Even though some agents may not log in every day, as soon as they do, they respond.”

“Continuing to provide tools that enhance efficiency will result in happier and more productive agents,” concludes Gohl, who notes that the introduction of the Clareity Broker Dashboard is having a measureable and positive impact on his company’s bottom line.

For more information, please visit www.clareity.com.

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