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If you were to ask 10 home sellers or buyers who have all worked with the same real estate agent—delivering the exact same service—to rate the service they received, you’ll probably get a variety of different ratings. This happens because every client is unique. Fortunately, however, everyone fits into four basic personality types.

You’ve probably heard of the DISC Personality Assessment. Many real estate companies use it when making hiring decisions, but it can also be valuable in helping you size up your clients. I happen to be a high D. I prefer people to be brief and to the point, show appreciation, provide options and benefits, focus on results, and handle problems immediately.

I’m currently working with a seller who is a high S. She needs me to express genuine interest, give her a sense of support, avoid confrontation, be relational, give her time to adjust to change, be patient, and show sincere appreciation. Can you see the potential conflict? If I provide the type of service I prefer, she won’t be happy—even if she gets what she wants. When I provide the type of service preferred by a high S, she’ll feel as comfortable as when she’s in her favorite pair of pajamas.

What does DISC stand for?

D – Dominance – Sees the big picture, can be blunt, accepts challenges and gets to the point

I – Influence – Shows enthusiasm, is optimistic, likes collaboration, dislikes being ignored

S – Steadiness – Doesn’t like to be rushed, calm demeanor, relaxed approach, supportive actions and humility

C – Conscientiousness – Enjoys independence, objective reasoning, wants the details and fears being wrong

According to DISC Insights by PeopleKeys, you can determine a person’s personality type in three easy steps. After interacting, ask the following questions:

  1. Are they an introvert or an extrovert? Introverts are better listeners than talkers, and extroverts are better talkers than listeners. Extroverts will fall into the D or I category, while introverts generally fall under S or C.
  1. If they’re an extrovert, determine whether they’re friendly or direct. If they’re extroverted and friendly, they’re an I. If they’re extroverted and direct, they’re a D.
  1. If they’re introverted, are they helpful and accommodating, or are they curious and analytical? If they’re helpful and accommodating, they’re an S, and if they’re curious and analytical, they’re a C.

By answering the three questions above, you’ll be able to adjust—based on your client’s personality—the way you and your team interact with them. Not only will your client appreciate the difference, it’ll lay the foundation for them to give you rave reviews and send a regular stream of referrals your way.

Cleve Gaddis of Gaddis Partners, RE/MAX Center learned sales the hard way, selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door, and now his real estate team closes $60 million in sales annually in Atlanta, Ga. He loves to share his sales strategies and to see others succeed. He’s the host of the Call Cleve Atlanta Real Estate Show which can be heard on NewsTalk 1160 WCFO every week. Contact him at Cleve@GoGaddis.com.

For more information, please visit www.workmansuccesssystems.com.

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