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Shining a light on analytics with the Realtors Property Resource® platform

Real estate professionals need to use every tool in their arsenal to outshine the competition in today’s crowded real estate market. Brandon Doyle of the Doyle Real Estate Team at RE/MAX Results can depend on data from Realtors Property Resource® (RPR®) to win over clients who are on the fence when it comes to choosing an agent.

“Prior to going on a listing appointment, I review the property report on RPR, which gives me a better idea about the neighborhood and a range of value that seems appropriate,” says Doyle. “We also share this report when homeowners register on our website and are curious about their home value, but aren’t ready to meet in-person.”

Doyle has been in the residential real estate industry for more than five years and runs a team of four agents with his father in Maple Grove, Minn. He’s been using RPR for most of his real estate career and attributes some of his business success to the data platform.

At no additional cost to REALTORS®, RPR delivers invaluable analytics reports that are custom-branded and consumer-friendly, helping agents stand apart from the competition. The platform is also available on mobile devices and features easy-to-read, interactive heat maps with detailed demographic information and flood zones.

“I heard about RPR early on in my career by attending classes put on by our local association and my brokerage,” says Doyle. “Since it’s integrated with our MLS (NorthstarMLS), it was very easy to start using it.”

According to Doyle, his clients respond most to the comprehensive data and branding.

“RPR enables us to quickly compile a large amount of data that’s then branded to us so that we can share it with our clients. This saves us a lot of time, and is full of valuable information that makes us look good. Buyers and sellers are both impressed with the amount of detail in the reports,” he adds.

The RPR reports can help buyers become familiar with their purchasing area in order to understand comparable statistics and know whether a home is priced aggressively and requires fast action.

“RPR reports help our buyers learn more about the neighborhood, giving them a good idea of what the pricing is like in the area,” says Doyle.

While RPR is available to all REALTORS®, Doyle finds that he still holds the competitive edge, as not everyone is aware of the service’s potential for business building.

“All of the members of our local MLS have access to RPR; however, not everyone is taking advantage of the tools provided to us. We’re able to stand out from the competition by sharing RPR’s detailed property reports with our clients,” continues Doyle.

As an extremely busy agent who travels to various real estate associations in the U.S. for Xplode Conferences, Doyle relies on RPR for its simple and effective platform from which data can be incorporated into both his broker- and consumer-focused presentations.

“RPR is extremely easy to use,” concludes Doyle. “It’s integrated with our MLS, so within a few clicks I can have a professional-looking, branded and detailed report out to a client.”

For more information, please visit www.narrpr.com.

Liz Dominguez is RISMedia’s associate content editor. Email her your real estate news ideas at ldominguez@rismedia.com.

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