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RPR Mobile™ ups the ante for today’s real estate professionals

Since the advent of the smartphone, real estate professionals and consumers alike have come to depend on these handheld devices for any and everything under the sun. And as smartphones continue to change and evolve before our eyes, there’s no denying that they’ve truly become a driving force within the real estate industry.

“The reality is that deals aren’t made in the office anymore,” says Reggie Nicolay, vice president of Marketing and Social Media at Realtors Property Resource® (RPR®). “In fact, deals are made almost anywhere today, including the grocery store, while grabbing dinner at a restaurant and even while unplugging on vacation.”

The largest database of parcel-centric property information, RPR—which is closed to the public—provides agents with one streamlined system obtained from multiple sources. With public records, tax assessment info and school district data, RPR serves as a one-stop shop for real estate professionals looking to make a difference by providing clients the data they need to make an educated buying or selling decision.

Taking things to a whole new level, RPR Mobile™ ensures that real estate professionals who are constantly on-the-go don’t miss a beat when it comes to keeping up with clients and prospects.

For Jickson Chacko, a REALTOR® with HomeSmart Realty Group in Littleton, Colo., integrating RPR Mobile into his day-to-day routine is as simple as living his life.

“I’m constantly picking up clients while taking care of the things I do on a daily basis,” says Chacko, who depends on RPR Mobile to build connections. “It’s also extremely useful when talking to people who already own homes, as I can pull up the property, tell them how much their home is worth and even provide a detailed report.”

Never one to miss an opportunity to provide friends and family the real estate information they need, Joanna Williams finds herself pulling up RPR all the time when hanging out with friends.

“We don’t think of them as prospects when we’re just out having a good time, but everyone always wants to know more about the real estate market,” says Williams, a broker with Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate Kansas City Homes in Liberty, Mo. “Pulling open the app and discussing their own home with them goes a long way in showing those friends that you’re serious about your business.”

While the benefits associated with RPR Mobile extend far and wide, the app’s ability to save real estate professionals time while allowing them to strike a real work/life balance cannot be overlooked.

“It’s nice to be able to pull up detailed information on a home while you’re showing a property,” adds Williams, who is constantly analyzing comps for listing appointments right alongside her agents. “RPR’s app delivers the data seamlessly, making you look like a pro because you can shoot it straight over to the customer within seconds.”

Nicolay notes that the way in which real estate professionals use the app depends on how they work in the business. “It’s very much scenario- or persona-based,” says Nicolay, who goes on to explain that RPR Mobile is a boon for real estate professionals in many situations, including open houses.

“Potential prospects often have questions regarding local schools and neighborhoods, and thanks to the Reports button located in the lower left corner of the app’s home screen, agents can quickly create a report that can be sent via email or text to any given prospect,” says Nicolay. “It’s a great way to establish communication and lay the foundation for future follow-up.”

But it doesn’t end there. In fact, RPR Mobile has become the go-to tool for real estate professionals across the board.

“It’s become one of my most widely used tools that I turn to in order to confirm my market stats,” says Loren Coburn, branch manager at Kevo Properties in Oklahoma City, Okla. “It also helps me confirm the information I use to create market prices for homes.”

An avid RPR user for the past year, Coburn turns to the app on a daily basis for a variety of reasons.

“When driving through different housing developments, I find myself opening the app to see what the market is doing. Also, if I come across a FSBO, RPR Mobile is my go-to for a quick reference to what the home is worth,” says Coburn. “It always gives me on-demand information I can use to reach out and pick up the listing.”

Recent enhancements to RPR Mobile, including the ability to search by voice, are upping the ante even further, according to Nicolay.

“Over the last few years, voice-to-text has become much more accurate on both the Android and iOS operating systems. Integrating this feature into RPR Mobile allows real estate professionals to go into the app, press the microphone icon, speak their search and see the text type in right on the screen,” says Nicolay.

In addition to recently integrating the commercial side of the business into the app, RPR’s new Comp Analysis Express is yet another feature that’s set to change the game as we know it. This new feature allows REALTORS® to use their mobile device to build a CMA before creating and sharing a client-friendly seller’s report. Best of all, if comps have been selected on the website, they can be viewed on mobile, and vice versa. “This is a big and powerful improvement that will provide a lot of value for the industry,” adds Nicolay.

For those not using RPR? “You’re missing out,” says Williams, “as RPR is by far the most robust, useful tool we have at our fingertips.”

For more information, please visit www.narrpr.com.​

Tepping_Paige_color_60x60Paige Tepping is RISMedia’s managing editor. Email her your real estate news ideas at paige@rismedia.com. For the latest real estate news and trends, bookmark RISMedia.com.