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Whether you’re a one-person team or a team of 20, leveraging systems and technology is essential to delivering exceptional customer service and a superb experience. Panelists will share their proven insights on how they’ve increased their business exponentially by implementing various systematic and technological platforms that make for more sales.

What: RISMedia’s ACE Webinar Series – Leveraging Systems and Technology

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When: Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2018 at 3 p.m. ET / 2 p.m. CT / 1 p.m. MT / 12 p.m. PT

Who: Featuring Chance Brown, Realty ONE Group Lone Star; and Paul Wheeler, Accent Realtors®; moderated by Terri Murphy, Terri Murphy Communications

Register now!

For live coverage of the webinar, follow @RISMediaUpdates and use #RISWebinar.

About the Webinar

Chance_BrownChance Brown is broker/owner of Realty ONE Group Lone Star in Houston, Texas. Brown was honored as REALTOR® of the Year in 2017 by the Houston Association of REALTORS®, and Realty ONE Group Lone Star was honored as the No. 1 Best Place to Work in Houston for two consecutive years by the Houston Business Journal. Brown is a member of the board of directors for the Texas Association of REALTORS® and trustee of its Political Action Committee, TREPAC.

Paul_WheelerPaul Wheeler is broker/owner of Accent Realtors® in the Greater Tulsa, Okla., area. Wheeler, a national speaker with more than 25 years of experience in real estate, has been in the top one-tenth of 1 percent of REALTORS® in the U.S, and Accent Realtors® has been honored as the No. 1 real estate team in Tulsa by the Tulsa Business Journal since 2004

Moderated by


terri_murphy_100x100Terri Murphy, coach with Workman Success Systems, founder of MurphyOnRealEstate.com and president of Terri Murphy Communications and CIO of U.S. Learning, is an author, communication engagement specialist and speaker.

Each month, RISMedia’s webinars draw over 1,000 agents and brokers from across the country eager for exclusive insight from the industry’s most profitable professionals. To view our last webinar, “Mission Possible: Get Ahead in 2018 With These Broker Best Practice Insights,” please visit RISMedia’s Housecall.

For the latest real estate news and trends, bookmark RISMedia.com.