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Donna_KrepsVitals: F.C. Tucker Company
Years in Business
: 100
Size: 39 offices, 1,400 agents
Region Served: State of Indiana
2017 Sales Volume: $3.9 billion
2017 Transactions: 19,000
No. 37 in sales volume in RISMedia’s 2018 Power Broker Report

Ever since winning Rookie of the Year in sales in 1990, Donna Kreps, president of Residential Real Estate Services for the F.C. Tucker Company, has been a force in the industry. She’s been a top producer numerous times over the years, and is celebrating her 25th anniversary with the firm.

How did you get involved in the real estate industry?
Donna Kreps:
I’ve been in real estate for 28 years and originally got into it on a whim. A friend of mine was going to go to real estate school and asked if I wanted to go with her. That was on a Monday, and the next day we started classes, two days a week. The moment I got into the business, I was in love with real estate. I sold my first house my first week in the business, three houses the week after, and it’s been an amazing career ever since.

How has your market been so far in 2018?
We’re a dominant player in our region, which is a very stable marketplace; the Midwest is historically very good, as we don’t see the highs and lows that the coasts see. We did struggle during the downturn, but our upswing has been fantastic. We’re up 17 percent from the year prior, and 2017 was our best year ever in our 100-year history.

What are some of the biggest challenges you’re facing?
We’re seeing some of the same things that most of the country is, which includes lack of inventory and a weak builder supply. We have a lot of builders in the marketplace trying to catch up, but price points are a little high, and there’s a real lack of inventory for the first-time buyer.

What sets your firm apart in your market?
Every real estate company sells homes for a living, but very few make it to 100 years. To have a firm that’s stayed independent throughout its entire history, and is still a dominant force in the marketplace, is rare. Our owner is still very involved and engaged. We own a mortgage company and a title company, we have an insurance affiliation and are a one-stop shop. We also have our own in-house marketing division and four graphic designers on staff, in addition to a robust relocation department. Our operation spans a wide spectrum of services.

What attracts agents to the firm?
Our company was one of the first in Indianapolis to embrace the team concept, and we have a very lucrative and promising compensation program for agents who want to build their own team within our structure. We also have exceptional training, which involves spending six weeks working with the new folks we hire, giving them a lot of tools to equip themselves to get started. All of this lends itself to seeing productivity out of new agents out of the gate quicker than most.

What are you looking for in someone interested in joining your company?
Obviously, we’re looking for someone who wants to be a self-starter, who likes people and processes. I like the competitive advantage that people have, so I’m always looking for individuals who like to win. The nice thing about real estate is that any personality type can find success; however, they must understand that there are a lot of ups and downs. We like to help people brand themselves while associating themselves with our brand. We’re here to help people write their story.

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