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The heartland of Tennessee is a tapestry of small-town charm and a sleek city buzz that’s humming to a country music melody. For Reliant Realty ERA Powered, a prominent company in the ERA network, the vibrant landscape is the real estate promised land for growth.

In 2004, Casey Brown started Reliant Realty with minimal resources in a South Nashville mall, piecing together the essentials to support a team of dedicated agents.

“We were starting all the right conversations and created a foundation to encourage incredible growth,” says Brown, “and we learned quickly the importance of being able to adapt. We survived the economic downturn in 2007 and forged ahead once we gained ERA’s support. We had the space to redefine our identity, take a closer look at our core values and really understand our full potential.”

After becoming an ERA Powered company in 2016, the company’s business model transformed, with a strong focus on professional development.

“It’s not always easy to differentiate yourself from the pack, but the training programs and educational resources we have are the fundamental elements that make us a competitor at the national level.”

Weekly training opportunities for brokers and agents have resulted in a 40-percent boost in volume production per agent. In 2017, the firm completed nearly 4,200 transactions totaling approximately $1.22 billion in value.

“Reliant ERA Powered is the definition of resourceful. They know how to utilize every tool in the box to leverage their relationships and keep people coming back,” says Simon Chen, president and CEO of ERA Real Estate. “Take Zap®, for example; it’s our technology that fuels lead generation, and it doubles as a time-saver. Casey recognizes that by embracing this technology, it helps his team thrive in other areas, as well.”

“That type of support, backed by tools that really work, is key. And that’s why being part of the ERA family was a no-brainer,” says Brown. “This is a relationship business, but in order to maintain quality relationships, you need a reliable way to connect—and technology is how we do that.”

Middle Tennessee offers a diverse portfolio of properties, from trendy townhomes and urban living to luxurious condominiums. In a region that has no state income tax, the company is challenged with what can be an overwhelming increase in demand—but the firm’s answer to a steady population increase is quality over quantity.

“We’re successful because we’re remembering our core values, not because we’re just adding a bunch of people to our team,” says Brown. “We have five amazing principal brokers and a senior leadership team and support staff that’s second to none. With a team like that, in addition to the support of ERA, we can stay true to our philosophy and continue to implement the right training, services and tools to address a high demand. We can be the best of the best, and our clients appreciate that.”

Brown also credits the firm’s success to ERA’s approach as a collaborative brand. He networks with other firm owners across the nation on a daily basis, and believes that having a space to share ideas and dialogue is priceless.

“We’re the first in our market to show the ERA brand’s value, and now we’re ready to share that with others through stronger mergers and acquisitions with their support.”

For more information, please visit www.era.com.

Eisenberg_Zoe_60x60Zoe Eisenberg is RISMedia’s senior content editor. Email her your real estate news ideas at zoe@rismedia.com. For the latest real estate news and trends, bookmark RISMedia.com.