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Imagine this all-too-familiar real-life scenario: You’re on your phone scrolling through your news feed and come across two or three headlines with a couple company names you’ve seen in passing but on a weekly basis. Suddenly, it dawns on you how often you’ve seen these same names week in and week out, and you wonder to yourself, “How are these companies getting their names out there?” That is where the power of a press release comes into play.

The secret in creating a powerful press release starts with a topic that is newsworthy and will pique the interest of a busy reporter scrolling through headlines. Hook your reader by giving your press release a title that quickly gives the reader what your release will be about. Company announcements such as the promotion of an executive, year-end earnings or philanthropic efforts are examples of news topics that can get a lot of traction. If you have more details that can’t fit into your headline, use the sub-headline to do so, but make it short and sweet. The lead paragraph (the introductory paragraph that gives a quick summary of the release), will be used to quickly summarize the meat of your press release.

Include relevant quotes from leading experts, executives or your CEO to provide support and credibility to your story. Generally, it’s best to stick with one or two quotes.

Many reporters don’t have time to read through a lengthy press release, which is why the recommended word count tends to hover in the 300-word range. To make the process easier for your reader, consider using bullet points to get the point of your story across. This is particularly effective if you’re listing award recipients, new locations or names of new team members.

Finally, to ensure your release will get the recognition it deserves, you need to release it! The goal across the board is for your release to be picked up by journalists and news organizations. The good news is everything is done digitally now; no longer are we tied to the task of faxing or mailing releases to media outlets.

Optimal days and times to distribute your release are Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the morning (EST). To clarify, if you’re on the West Coast, make sure your release goes out at 6:00 a.m. PST to ensure that everyone on the East Coast will receive your release first thing in the morning at 9:00 a.m. EST. Albeit most releases won’t receive the recognition they deserve overnight, but the fruits of your labor will show the more releases you distribute.

Realty ONE Group’s unique marketing materials and campaigns have caught the eye of many real estate professionals. By providing professionals with a variety of tools and resources that include customizable press release templates, coaching and visually appealing social media posts, they will feel empowered to excel in their careers that will lead to growth and success. To learn more, visit www.RealtyONEGroup.com.

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