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According to NAR, 40 percent of sellers found their agents through a referral from friends or family. Join Homes.com and RISMedia for our upcoming webinar, “Stop Spinning Your Wheels With Strangers: How to Find Gold in Referrals,” in which we’ll uncover key strategies to help bring in more leads and keep you from burning rubber at the starting line.

Register now!

What: RISMedia’s Webinar Series – Stop Spinning Your Wheels With Strangers: How to Find Gold in Referrals

Sponsored by

When: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at 3 p.m. ET / 2 p.m. CT / 1 p.m. MT / 12 p.m. PT

Who: Featuring Brooke Sines, RE/MAX of Grand Rapids; Terri Murphy, Terri Murphy Communications; and Tim Rabara, Homes.com; moderated by Verl Workman, Workman Success Systems

For coverage of the webinar, follow @RISMediaUpdates and use #RISWebinar.

About the Webinar

Brooke Sines is a REALTOR® with RE/MAX of Grand Rapids in Michigan. Sines’ focus on communication, organization and personalization with each and every client led her to being named a “Rising Star” her first year in the real estate industry, and solidifies her current status as a leader in her marketplace.

Terri Murphy, founder of MurphyOnRealEstate.com and president of Terri Murphy Communications and CIO of U.S. Learning, is an author, communication engagement specialist and speaker.

Tim Rabara is sales manager at Homes.com, which connects real estate brokers and agents with over 12.5 million consumers monthly through brand advertising, lead generation, marketing and online reputation solutions.

Moderated by

Moderator Verl Workman, CEO and founder of Workman Success Systems, has delivered keynotes, seminars and more to thousands of real estate professionals worldwide. Drawing on his experience in sales, marketing, management and technology, Workman has empowered the masses to expand their knowledge and achieve their goals.

Each month, RISMedia’s webinars draw over 1,000 agents and brokers from across the country eager for exclusive insight from the industry’s most profitable professionals. To view our last webinar, “Agents: It’s Not Too Late to Save on Your Taxes,” please visit RISMedia’s Housecall.