It’s that time of year again when students of all ages return to academic studies. Whether you have a kid going to kindergarten for the first time or you’re returning to university to finish your Masters, there are a few things you should do to make sure the school year goes as planned.
Figure out your lunchtime routine. If you’re making lunch for your kids, find snacks and sandwiches they won’t get bored of and trade with their friends. If you’re new to campus and unsure about the food situation, take some time to scope out all the various options and find the ones that are closest to your classes and work best for your financial situation and taste buds.
Ensure your schedule is manageable. If you are working while in school as many of us do, finding out your schedule as soon as possible is key. Once you have it, you can communicate with your boss about which days work for you without interrupting your studies, avoiding any potential scheduling conflicts early on.
Test out your classes. In post-secondary, you can switch into and out of classes within the first couple of weeks if something isn’t right for you. Bad teacher? Consider switching. Subject you thought would be interesting is actually a snore-fest? Switch it up. Taking classes you hate will only lead to resentment and less productivity throughout the year.
Figure out the commute situation. Are you driving your child to school every day, or will they take the bus? Have you just moved to a new city for school and live off-campus? Test out the commute to see just how long it actually takes to get there and back in heavy traffic, so you can avoid being late for class. If you’ll be spending a long time on public transportation every day, ensure you have a solid playlist and a few books you’ve been meaning to catch up on to make it go by faster.