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Having a spare house key hidden on your property can come in handy, especially if you need a house or pet sitter while you’re on vacation or, of course, if you lose your main set of keys. However, leaving a key in an obvious spot can make it easy for potential burglars to find it and walk right in through your front door.

If you decide to leave a spare key, you’ll need to be clever and avoid the most common hiding spots burglars are likely to check. According to home security specialist ADT, these are the best and worst places to put a spare:

Best Hiding Spots

  • In a hollow, realistic-looking false rock that blends in with its surroundings.
  • In a small lockbox under the porch.
  • In the barbeque grill in the backyard.
  • Under the foot of a chair on the patio.
  • Under a loose brick in the walkway.
  • Inside or under a children’s toy in the front yard.

Worst Hiding Spots

  • Under your doormat.
  • Under a potted plant by the door.
  • Under a garden statue.
  • On the doorjamb.
  • In the mailbox.

Even the best hiding spots for spare keys aren’t fail-safe, though. For added security, ADT suggests installing an alarm system and cameras. To eliminate the need for a spare key altogether, you could also invest in smart door locks, which offer keyless options and can also be controlled and monitored remotely on your smartphone.

By taking the proper security measures, you can have peace of mind knowing your home is safe while you’re away.