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Condo living is wonderful for many reasons. Most places have a variety of amenities and luxury features like swimming pools and marble countertops. Some people find they love living in a condo while others miss the privacy of a single-family home. A great way to find out if this lifestyle works for you is to rent for a year and immerse yourself in the culture. Here are some things to consider when searching for a condo to rent:

Single-family condos have amenities like pools, barbecue areas, fitness courts and laundry facilities. You’ll often encounter neighbors, and many of these people may become friends. If you don’t like the demographics, then it’s unlikely that you’ll enjoy the condo. For example, an older couple wanting a relaxing place to retire wouldn’t fit into a condo complex with lots of young professionals or college students.

Many people will rate or comment on a condo association or property management firm. People will leave reviews online to let other renters know what to expect. Sometimes, this information is helpful in choosing between a few options in the area. Reviews give you an idea of any problems and features that may not be in the listing. You can also ask questions on social media sites when you have concerns.

Many property owners recommend tenants get renters insurance. This coverage is not expensive, and it can help tenants recoup funds for stolen or broken items. If a renter has an insurance policy, then the company may offer a multiple coverage discount making the coverage cheaper. Taking a picture of any valuables is a good way to prepare for getting these policies. Keeping receipts or scanning them into a computer is another helpful idea.

Check out the bylaws for the condo you’re interested in. If you have pets, then it’s important to make sure they can come with you to the unit. Common areas are another consideration—some places allow tenants to use the rooms by reservation, some charge and others prohibit tenant use. Also, be aware that many associations don’t allow smoking in the residence.

Factoring all of these concerns into the decision to rent a condo is important to get into the right place. Considering and questioning these things will give you the answers you need to make a solid choice about your next place to live. Condo living is rewarding when you know what to look for and how to choose a fitting rental.

Source: Meghan Belnap/RISMedia’s Housecall