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Everyone wants to get the most value out of his or her home when selling. While you can’t control the housing market, you do have control over maximizing your property’s worth. Here are five ways you can get more money out of your home.

Get a Home Inspection. Don’t wait for the buyer to request a home inspection after you’re under contract. Hire an inspector before you list your home to find out about any problems. It only costs a few hundred dollars, and you’d have time to fix any issues that could lower your property value.

Paint the Walls. It sounds too good to be true, but adding a new coat of paint to the walls of your home can enhance the value. Paint makes a room feel fresh and new, and buyers are willing to pay more for real estate that doesn’t require any work.

Improve Energy Efficiency. Buyers like the idea of saving money over the long term, so they’ll pay more for a house that is energy efficient. You can find ways to do this regardless of your budget. Installing new appliances that require less energy to run and replacing old windows with new ones are great ways to start.

Work on Curb Appeal. Landscaping can improve your home’s value. This is another area where you can make changes regardless of your budget. Start with trimming overgrown bushes and trees. Clean up your lawn and re-sod any patchy areas. Add interest by planting flowers, shrubs and other greenery.

Update the Bathroom and Kitchen. It’s often been said that the kitchen sells a home. A bathroom is also a high priority for most buyers who expect an updated space. Even something as minor as updating the hardware on your cabinets can yield positive results. If you can’t afford to replace your cabinets, purchase new doors or paint your current ones. If you’re working with a limited budget, focus on the areas that’ll get the most attention. This includes the lighting, faucets, countertops and cabinets.

When you make the right changes, you’ll find buyers who are willing to pay more for your home.

Source: Mike Putnam/RISMedia’s Housecall