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Are you in the process of renovating your home? Often, major upgrades can get quite expensive if you aren’t paying attention, so if you’re on a tight budget, consider these seven powerful ways to save money during a home renovation:

1. Set a Budget and Stick to It. One of the biggest mistakes homeowners make when renovating their property is failing to set a budget. By not having one in place before you begin work, you’ll often end up spending more than you originally intended. Be sure to take time to figure out how much you can afford and create a budget for your renovation.

2. Make Every Effort to Save on Material Costs. Another area where homeowners get in trouble is that they spend way too much on material costs. You can often buy high-quality recycled or reused building materials online for a bargain. You could also try to reuse some of your home’s materials whenever possible. For example, you may be able to reuse some of your cabinetry and appliances without replacing them.

3. Find Good Deals on Expensive Pieces. No one said you had to pay top dollar for the most essential pieces for your home renovation. Instead of spending a small fortune for new granite countertops or brand-new appliances, for example, wait a little while for them to go on sale. Of course, this only works if you aren’t under time constraints, but waiting to find the best deal can really pay off.

4. Pay Cash for Materials and Contractor Expenses. This tried-and-true idea works wonders when attempting to cut down on renovation expenses. You’ll be able to save a significant amount by offering to pay cash for your materials and contractor fees for a couple of reasons. First, by paying cash instead of using credit, you can avoid the possibility of paying hefty interest charges. Second, sometimes contractors will give their customers a price break when you offer to pay cash for their services.

5. Perform DIY Renovations When Possible. Some repairs and renovations are going to be out of your league. However, many folks will have no problem handling some projects on their own. Instead of paying somebody to complete easy-to-moderate repairs or demolition, you can take the bull by the horns and perform these activities yourself.

6. Shop Around When Hiring Help. You obviously want your home renovations to look amazing; however, that doesn’t mean you have to pay top dollar for the most expensive contractors in your area. Shop around and get multiple bids from as many contractors as you see fit. This’ll help you find a top-notch and inexpensive contractor that meets your needs.

7. Sell Working Appliances You’re Replacing. Do you own a refrigerator that’s in good working order? How about a well-used stove that’s still in good condition? Instead of throwing these valuable appliances away when you replace them, sell them. This could help you recoup some of your renovation expenses.

Source: Wendy Dessler/RISMedia’s Housecall