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Stainless steel appliances give a renovated kitchen that pop it needs, while stainless steel cookware makes for a durable product that never disturbs flavors yet guarantees a balanced heating of foods. To boot, stainless steel even resists corrosion and rust.

However, stainless steel can sometimes be difficult to keep clean. Here are some quick and easy tips for maintaining that fresh metallic look:

Clean with water and a cloth. Microfiber cloths are the best option to use when cleaning stainless steel because they absorb all of the water. They also avoid scratching steel surfaces. You’ll want to avoid paper towels or any cloth or towel with a rough surface intended for non-stick cookware. This especially includes steel wool. When drying, dry along the grain to avoid water spots. If you clean or dry aggressively against the grain with regular scouring pads, you’ll leave marks on your appliance or pan, so be sure to take it easy.

Only use a drop of dish soap. For most cases, a drop of mild dish soap and warm water is all you’ll need to clean a stainless steel pan or pot, so don’t overthink it. Just be gentle. Alternatively, using white vinegar as a cleaner has also been proven to work.

Glass cleaner is your friend. Fingerprints on stainless steel is one of the biggest complaints, and it’s a valid concern. No matter how careful you try to be, fingerprints will always end up on your fridge. Spray glass cleaner on a microfiber cloth to get the job done. Wipe away the fingerprint using a soft circular motion.  There are newer finishes of stainless steel that are fingerprint resistant, so if you’re buying new appliances, be sure to do your research and seek those out.

Keep a stainless steel cleaner on hand. If you need to remove stains or scratches from your stainless steel, using a steel cleaner is a great option. Read the directions on the cleaner, and be sure to test the product on an unnoticeable location.  Even if you aren’t trying to remove a stain or hide a scratch, stainless steel cleaner or glass cleaner will help your appliance shine. As always, rinse the area thoroughly afterwards and towel dry.

Stainless steel can be finicky, but with a little TLC, it will keep your kitchen looking sleek and stylish for years to come.