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As a homeowner, there are many things you need to be concerned with. One of the biggest is ensuring that you don’t do anything that’ll decrease the overall value of your home. Rust can be a big enemy of homeowners, as it’ll cause areas of your property to break down easier and can cause your house to lose value due to its unsightliness and potential for costly damage.

Here are some helpful tips for preventing and getting rid of rust on your property:

Paint Your Pipes With Corrosion-Resistant Paints
Unless you’ve just built a newer home that uses plastic piping, it’s likely that you have metal piping running through your home. This type of piping is susceptible to corrosion, especially because it comes into constant contact with water. You can help prevent corrosion by simply applying a corrosion-resistant paint to the metal piping throughout your home.

Use a Rust-Resistant Cleaner for Irrigation Systems
It’s very common to install water treatment systems for taking care of the normal watering of your lawn and garden. These systems will keep your water filtered and cleaned, but irrigation systems must be maintained properly to keep rust from getting into the irrigation pipes. The best way to prevent this from happening is to use a rust-resistant cleaner in your irrigation tank. You can find this at most hardware stores.

Use Corrosion-Resistant Gutter Materials
Gutters are another popular component of your home that are typically made of metal. Over time, this metal is exposed to water and other elements, which can lead to gutters rusting and actually draining rust-colored water. This can create a big mess that you’ll be responsible for cleaning up. To prevent this issue, utilize gutters that are corrosion resistant. This’ll ensure you don’t have to worry about rust developing on your gutters and spreading to other areas of your home.

Scrub Off Existing Rust
When you first start to notice that rust is developing somewhere on your home, getting it scrubbed off should be a priority. The most common places you’ll find rust is in sinks and bathtubs. You should be able to easily remove the rust with a mixture of white vinegar or lemon juice and water. You’ll need a scrub brush and some elbow grease to get it all off. A pumice stone can assist with particularly difficult areas. Once you get the rust off the area, check it for damage. If there’s no rotting damage, then let it dry and cover the area with a corrosive-resistant paint to prevent future rust from forming.

Protecting the overall value of your home should be a top priority. While there are many things that can alter the value of your home, rust is a major one. By utilizing the tips laid out above, you’ll be able to prevent much of the potential rust buildup on your property.

Source: Brooke Chaplan/RISMedia’s Housecall