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Whether for business or pleasure, traveling by airplane can get you where you need to be fast, but no one wants to pay sky-high ticket prices. If you’re in search of cheaper airfare for your next trip, the Better Business Bureau offers the following tips:

1. You can search on one or more of the many low-fare websites that’ll allow you to comparison shop or bid for airfares online. However, you should always be sure to check the airlines’ own sites, as well. Many airlines will offer special packages and discounts that aren’t available elsewhere. Plus, there are even some “low-fare” airlines that’ll only provide their ticketing services exclusively from their own site. Most airlines will also allow you to register to receive email notifications of newly announced special discounts on flights or travel packages.

2. Check with several travel agents; not all agents have access to the same prices.

3. Get your tickets early, since there may be a limited number of lower-priced seats. Many airlines require advance booking of at least two to four weeks in order for you to get the largest discounts. Be sure to check for any limitations or restrictions that may apply on an advanced booking should you need to change your plans.

4. Consider checking with the airline to see whether you can lower your airfare by flying on particular days of the week. The cost differences may be significant.

5. Determine exactly what the price covers, particularly when purchasing a travel package. For example, does the package include taxes, surcharges, airfare, hotel or mileage charges for a rental car? Notice whether the ticket you’re buying has restrictions that affect its use and the cost if you need to make booking changes. For example, is it non-refundable?

6. Be wary of extremely low prices that seem too good to be true, and remember that an advertised price may not always be available or may have numerous restrictions and limitations that offset the discount.

With these tips and a little planning, you’ll find a budget-friendly airfare for your next trip. Happy travels!