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Is your kitchen in need of a face-lift? If there’s not enough money in the budget to remodel your kitchen, Lowe’s home designers suggest you browse the aisles of your local home improvement store for ideas and give the room a whole new look with a few cheap and easy makeover options.

Paint the walls. Paint covers a multitude of sins and freshens up even the dullest kitchen. If you make only one change to your kitchen, paint it–and opt for a color different from the old one.

Transform the cabinets. Use a brush or roller to paint wooden cabinets, or if you’re a bit braver, apply new wood or vinyl veneers to change the look of laminated cabinets.

Switch out the hardware. Shiny new cabinet and drawer pulls can make a huge difference, and there are hundreds of styles to choose from.

Replace appliance hardware. Spiff up your old stove and oven with new knobs. You can also change out those pans under your stove’s burners for a cleaner look overall.

Get a shiny new sink. Choices include stainless steel, enamel-coated cast iron and composites, as well as single bowl or double bowl, top-mount or under-mount models.

Change the faucet. For a fun and inexpensive modification, get a new fixture. A spray attachment can come in handy, as can a faucet with a built-in soap dispenser.

Alter the lighting. A blend of overhead, natural and under-cabinet lighting can make the kitchen glow. You’ll finally be able to see what you’re cooking. You might also want to add a dimmer switch to your new lighting for times when you want the room a little mellower.

Add some simple new decor. To give your kitchen a new look–say, farmhouse, rustic or modern–buy some framed prints to hang on the walls, and add small design touches such as glass canisters, a cookie jar you love, and a vase or pitcher of flowers. Complete the look and color scheme with new kitchen towels and potholders.

By making some or all of these simple updates, you can revamp your kitchen for cheap!