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If you’re sitting at home, as recommended, you might find yourself searching for things to do to keep yourself occupied. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, even binge-watching your favorite shows, can get old very quickly. Instead of your same-old routine, try something new—arts & crafts. 

Crafts help the mind stay in tip-top shape and give you the chance to flex your mental muscles. Whether you’re social distancing alone or with family, these simple crafts are a great way to express some creativity and keep your mind sharp during this unpredictable time.  

Watercolor Painting
After a long day of non-stop news and information, it’s good to take some time away from the screen. Painting is a calming and creative way to pass the time and relax your mind. With watercolors, you can challenge yourself to become more patient and let go of your emotions. Some even use the art of watercolor as a form of meditation, using colors to express their mood and allow positivity to flow through their artwork. 

A simple and creative activity, great for families to do together, is the art of origami. This is a craft based simply on folding paper. For hundreds of years, people have used origami as an exercise for the part of the brain associated with the rotation of three-dimensional shapes and depth perception. This is also a great craft for those who work with their hands often, to keep the muscle memory sharp. For beginners, there are thousands of videos online to learn the folding process.  

A proven activity to help with anxiety, knitting is another great way to keep your brain sharp. From lowered blood pressure to reduced feelings of loneliness and isolation, this craft is a help not only to your mental health, but to your entire body. Though creating a knitted masterpiece might be hard for children or beginners, the process improves memory, provides stress-relief and teaches a creative and healthy hobby.