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If you’re self isolating due to the spread of COVID-19, you are doing a service not only to yourself, but to others. But isolating yourself can quickly become very lonely, especially for those who live alone. In fact, feeling lonely and isolated can cause depression, a weakened immune system and other health complications that no one needs during this pandemic. 

However, with the help of social media and today’s technology, it’s easier than ever to stay connected to friends and family, even in your loneliest moments. Here’s how…

Video Hangouts
With the spread of this virus, hanging out with friends and family isn’t really an option. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t spend time with them. Instead of inviting friends for a night of movies on the couch or a Sunday dinner with extended family, set up a video chat. With a virtual hangout session, you can all enjoy a drink, watch the same movie or host a night of long, meaningful conversations. Just because you’re isolated in your home doesn’t mean you can’t can’t connect with your loved ones.

Virtual Tours & Entertainment 
Were you planning on attending a show, but it got cancelled? Maybe you had a tour scheduled at your favorite museum, but it closed. For those craving culture and entertainment, look online. Many museums and art galleries have been posting virtual tours on social media. Bands and TV hosts have also been recording virtual concerts and shows to keep their viewers and fans entertained. So sit back, relax and take in a tour, show or concert from the comfort of your couch.

Live Workouts
For the more active bunch, not being able to go to the gym or workout classes can be tough. Of course, keeping social distancing in mind, you can take a run around your neighborhood. But if the weather is rough, or if you want another exercise option, trainers and fitness clubs all across the country are offering online classes you can do at home. With these live workouts, you can stay home, stay connected and stay fit.