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There’s no better time to tackle house chores than when you’re stuck at home. Homeowners have plenty of tasks that often go forgotten, or we simply don’t have the time to address them. Here’s your chance to take advantage of all this home time and get the following in order:

Clean the gutters. The weather’s getting nicer and spring showers will soon be here. Check those gutters to make sure there are no jammed leaves or other build-ups in there that could cause problems come flood season.

Check your dryer hose and vent. Make sure you clean out the built-up dryer lint as this is a huge safety hazard. This is a simple task that goes a long way. It can even make your dryer more energy efficient.

Clean your dishwasher. There’s a good chance there’s some gunk build-up there. Keep things clean to make sure your dishes are properly washed.

Wipe down the windows. Notice all the smudges that are stopping the light from flooding in? Take some Windex or a vinegar and water solution and go at it. You’ll be so pleased when you can see clearly out of your windows.

Check your ceiling fans. There’s probably a lot of dust built up on those blades. You don’t want to send that flying around your room when you go to turn your fans on for the first time this season. Take a wet cloth and wipe these down.

Vacuum vents and radiators. Anything that sends heat or cool air into your home should be dusted or vacuumed. You don’t want to be breathing in excessive dust as it can be harmful to your health.

These simple tasks are just a few of the hundreds of projects you can take on right from your home and with minimal supplies. And if you do them now while you have the chance, you’ll thank yourself later.