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Jay Pitts
RE/MAX Premier Properties, Premier Property Management Services
Louisville, Ky.

Region Served: Greater Louisville Metro Area/Central Kentucky
Years in Real Estate: 16
Number of Offices: 1
Number of Agents: 55

What’s your secret to staying relevant in today’s ever-changing real estate landscape?
I stay connected with extremely successful real estate practitioners from all parts of the country. I’m in the Midwest and I’ve found that trends from the coast reach us 12 months removed, or more, in some cases. By hearing what agents and brokers are encountering in more progressive areas, I am always ahead of the curve.

What’s the most significant trend impacting your business today?
The aging agent population. The average age of a real estate agent is nearing 60 years old. The average age of an agent in my brokerage is in the low 30s. When you couple this trend with the fact that consumers have embraced teams and demand technology and progressive marketing efforts, you’ll see that we’re acquiring marketshare with consumers that may have otherwise been referred to more seasoned agents.

How do you attract top agents in your area?
I endeavor to provide a ton of value to the real estate community in general. I’ve produced about 80 episodes of an agent-facing podcast titled, “REsource: Real Talk About Real Estate.” I also host weekly roundtable training sessions at my office and invite outside agents to attend.

What strategies do you employ when assisting buyers who are relocating to your area?
I like to dig in and ask questions about what they expect their life to look like when they relocate here. What did they love about their last city? What do they hope to find when they get here? With our prices being relatively moderate and affordable compared to most of the country, most people relocating to the area are pleased with the amount of homes within their budget.

Where do you see your business in five years?
I see myself selling even fewer homes than I do now. I have cut back my personal production substantially in the last two years in favor of building my team and empowering those around me. I would expect that our agent count will have grown substantially, as well. I have an appetite for growth, but only with the right individuals who have the right values. When you build a business with the right people, it affords you the opportunity to live the personal life you’re after.

Final Question…

What’s your top way to stay in touch with clients?
I employ the typical methods, but I find that discipline is the difference between myself and others that don’t stay in regular contact. Also, simply reaching out, sometimes with nothing planned to say, allows me to be authentic and show them that I care. 

For more information, please visit www.remax.com.

Jameson Doris is RISMedia’s blog and social media editor. Email him your real estate blog ideas at jdoris@rismedia.com.