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Whether or not your state has issued mandated guidelines for sheltering in place during the COVID-19 crisis, there is little question that social distancing and practicing basic health safety measures are effective weapons against getting sick.

In fact, with the illness curve still rising across the country, more than 158 million people are now working from home these days in an effort to keep the disease from spreading.

For those who are part of this at-home demographic, and especially for those who are not, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Red Cross recommend guidelines for staying healthy and preventing the spread of infection:

  • Disinfect Home and Work Areas – This includes all frequently touched surfaces, such as doorknobs, desktops, phones, faucets and toilets.
  • Wash Hands Frequently – Using soap and hot water, wash for at least 20 seconds, especially after being in a public space.
  • Avoid Touching Your Eyes, Mouth or Nose – Especially if you have not washed your hands for a while.
  • If You Must Go out in Public – Avoid groups of 10 or more people and try to maintain a distance of six feet from others.
  • Avoid Shaking Hands – Greet people with an elbow bump instead, or a slight bow, a nod of the head or a hand over your heart.
  • Protect Others – Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue if you cough or sneeze, or sneeze into your elbow or sleeve.
  • If You Feel Sick, Stay Home – If you have mild cold or flu symptoms, recovering at home may be enough. If you develop a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider.