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Looking for something to keep you and your family busy during quarantine? Turn to a classic family fun night activity—board games. Board games are a great way for families to spend time together, no matter the age. Here are five board games you can play with the whole family!

Apples to Apples
For an evening of surprises and exciting answers, Apples to Apples is a crowd pleaser. Work your brains to come up with crazy combinations and comparisons sure to send laughter through the house.   

Trivial Pursuit: Family Edition
If you’re looking for some brain-busting trivia, Trivial Pursuit is your best option. The family edition features questions that are age appropriate for children, keeping it fair and fun, yet still just as fun as the original for the adults and teens. 

For an educational twist, pull out the Scrabble board and get your kids ready to spell. Not only is this a great one-on-one game, if your family is larger, break up into teams. This crossword-style board game is a classic addition to any collection.

A maze-like, booby-trapped brain game like Mouse Trap is sure to get the whole family laughing. With buildable pieces and cute characters fighting to stay out of the trap, this family-friendly game is action packed and full of creative competition.

Chess and Checkers
A staple in most board game collections, chess and checkers are key for family game night. For a more challenging game, opt for chess. Though this can be a tough game to master, it is great for the brain. Checkers is a much simpler option, great for all ages. No matter which one you choose, you’re guaranteed to enjoy the time spent playing.