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As COVID-19 keeps us stuck inside, it can be hard to find valuable activities to not only fill your time, but also learn new skills. Instead of binge-watching television or getting lost in scrolling through social media, digital and virtual events and resources are readily available online to help you boost your resume and push your career forward. 

Even in times of crisis, it’s important to keep your mind sharp and focused. Here are some online programs that you can take advantage of for free during your time at home in this coronavirus pandemic. 

Take a Digital Course
With websites like Skillshare and Lynda, you can further your education and career with millions of courses at your fingertips. Dedicate your free time to starting and completing a course related to your current career path or the one you would like to be on. This is a great place to start for all ages, from recent college graduates to experienced executives. 

Attend a Webinar
In 60 minutes, you can learn all about new subjects and specific topics by watching a webinar. Webinars are often hosted by someone, in real time, who is an expert in the subject matter. Similar to a classroom, you can ask questions and interact digitally with the speaker and attendees. Websites such as HubSpot Webinars offer free options that people can utilize during this quarantine.  

Earn a Certification
Some webinars and digital courses offer certifications that you can add to your resume or utilize in your current job. Once you complete the course or webinar, you take an exam. Once you pass, you are rewarded with a certification that can be leveraged when applying for new jobs or exploring a promotion at work. Certifications are offered across all industries, from graphic design to sales to IT. 

Learn a New Language
With endless hours available, why not utilize that time to expand your vocabulary? By taking courses that usually last six to 10 hours, or exploring simple words and phrases you can review throughout the day, you can boost your chances of being hired or moving up in a company because you’ll have a foreign language under your belt. With websites like Alison and apps like Duolingo, you can learn a second or third language for free and with ease. 

During this pandemic, it can be easy to lose track of time, get sucked into your Netflix queue and put education and your career path on the back burner. Instead, make this increased home  time more valuable for your future. Before you know it, you will have learned something new that you can take with you wherever you go in the future…for free!
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