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While self-isolating during this COVID-19 pandemic, many are finding themselves removed from their usual routines. Whether you bring your children to school every morning or take a train to commute to work, familiar daily life has been interrupted. As we adapt to the quarantine life, there are many challenges we face, but working out doesn’t have to be one of them. 

Instead of sitting on your couch, binging Netflix and snacking, try some of these simple home workouts to keep your body moving, even without a pristine home gym. 

No matter if you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie, yoga is a great way to stay fit, sculpt your body and relax your mind—the perfect combination for those looking to escape the news for a while. All you need is a quiet space and a yoga mat (or rug) and you’re ready to go!

Weight Training
For those who don’t routinely work out at home and don’t have traditional equipment, use alternatives. Water bottles, books and even canned goods can be substituted for weights. Arm, back and core workouts can all be done with free weights, or a can of soup, to keep you fit and feeling your best. 

Push Ups
A classic, yet effective exercise, push ups can be done at any age, anywhere in the home—no equipment required. This is a great workout for your arms, back and core, while strengthening your mind and body. 

Looking to sculpt your lower half? Squats are a simple and efficient option to add to your home workout routine. Add in some of your alternative weights for even more powerful training and get your legs and glutes in shape. 

Jumping Jacks
Another classic and valuable exercise you can do at home are jumping jacks. With gyms closed and not having your own treadmill or elliptical, this is a great cardio substitute. Jumping jacks work the entire body and can easily be added to any HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout.