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Every year, when the weather begins to warm up, people flock to the great outdoors for weekend getaways, sporting events, picnics and pool parties. But this year is different.

The escalation of the coronavirus has cut many of us off from the beloved outdoor activities we usually look forward to in warm weather. If you’ve got a backyard, patio or deck, however, you can still find ways to celebrate the season and enjoy the outdoors. Here are some great ways to have fun right outside your front door:

Badminton. Setting up the badminton net is a great, fun way to get a little cardio in. Since everyone uses their own racket, germs are kept to a minimum.

Hopscotch. All you need here is a driveway or a sidewalk and some chalk! While hopscotch is a great time for the little ones, adults should reconnect with their childhood and give it a try as well. It’s more fun – and challenging! – than you may remember!

Limbo. Challenge your partner or your kids to a round of limbo. All you need is a rope tied to two trees or posts, so that it can be easily lowered for each round, and some great dance music. 

Eat out. Enjoy the beauty of your own backyard, front porch or balcony, and have a special dinner or Sunday brunch in the great outdoors. Have everyone in your household help prepare the meal and set a table with your best linens, candles and fresh flowers and foliage from your yard. Have several courses on tap to help extend your festive meal.

Paint. Take a queue from the Impressionists and bring a sketch pad or easel outside. You don’t have to have artistic talent to try your hand at replicating the scenes around you, whether it’s a flowering tree or a scene from your neighborhood. You can even try finger-painting or paint-by-number! The idea is to give your mind a break with creativity, all while enjoying the inviting warm weather.
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