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Thanks to technology, even though we might be physically cut off from cultural activities and sightseeing, there are a host of ways to virtually visit some of the world’s most famous venues – even take in a show or two! So settle in with your laptop or iPad and take a tour of one of these great destinations suggested by Tavelzoo:

The Louvre. Here’s your chance to finally visit Paris and one of its most iconic destinations: The Louvre museum. From Da Vinci’s famous Mona Lisa to the remains of the moat, which guides you through the museum’s former role as a medieval fortress, you’ll have a chance to see some of the world’s most famous art and architecture in these virtual tours

The Metropolitan Opera. Opera buffs, this one’s for you. Located in New York City’s Lincoln Center, the Metropolitan Opera is offering free streaming encores of its Live HD series from performances over the past decade. Performances can be accessed via the Met’s website at 7:30 p.m. EST and will be available to stream for 20 hours. 

An African safari. If adventure is more your style, take a rousing ride with an expert ranger to track lions, leopards and hyenas through herds of wildebeest and elephants in the SafariLive collection. Viewer discretion is advised, however, since this is live footage of animals in the wild.

The Sistine Chapel. Although one of the world’s most crowded attractions now rests quiet, you can still marvel at the splendor of Michelangelo’s renowned ceiling frescoes in the 15th century Sistine Chapel, right in your home. See all of the Vatican’s museums here.

The Great Wall of China. Traverse some of the ancient Wall’s 4,000 miles and take in some magnificent views in this virtual tour. The Great Wall is more than 2,000 years old and spreads across several provinces in China. You can experience some of its wonder without having to leave your living room.

Use this time to virtually explore a myriad of destinations and start planning your next trip!
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