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It’s important to keep your days of social distancing productive, but once you’ve checked off everything on your to-do list, there’s nothing wrong with a little binge watching on Netflix. For all the luxury real estate and interior design lovers out there, there are plenty of shows to choose from to get your fix. Here are a few favorites that the whole family can enjoy while staying at home. 

The World’s Most Extraordinary Homes
This BBC miniseries is a must-watch for those who love dramatic homes that are connected to nature (which pretty much everyone can appreciate right about now). Hosted by property developer Caroline Quentin and award-winning architect Piers Taylor, the show explores a collection of houses in far-flung corners of the globe that would be absolutely ideal for social distancing. 

Amazing Interiors
If you’re the type who can’t get enough of quirky and creative design, then Amazing Interiors will be your new favorite show. From backyard roller coasters to indoor skate parks and even a fully-equipped aquarium, the amenities in these eccentric homes defy all expectations and are sure to be a hit with the kids. 

Interior Design Masters
For those who enjoy reality competition shows, like Chopped or Project Runway, Interior Design Masters takes that format into the realm of living spaces. In this show, a group of designers go through a series of challenges as they vie for a lucrative contract to design the bar at the Dorsett Hotel in London.

Tidying Up with Marie Kondo
While she might not exactly be an interior designer, it would be a mistake to leave Marie Kondo’s Netflix show off this list for those who haven’t seen it yet. Particularly if you’re looking for ways to make your home feel more relaxed these days, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo will completely transform the way you organize your living environment.
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