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As we all focus on limiting our time outside of the house, home subscription services have come into high demand. Under normal circumstances, they can be a great way to save time during our busy lives, but these days they allow us to remain within the safety of our homes while staying stocked up on essentials (and maybe even a few luxuries). Following are a few of the best home subscription services that everyone can appreciate while social distancing. 

When the kids start running out of ways to entertain themselves, KiwiCo just might prove to be a lifesaver. They offer a wide selection of subscription boxes targeting different ages and interests, such as engineering and design projects for teenagers or hands-on arts and crafts activities that the younger ones can enjoy. For those desperately trying to limit the kids’ screen time, a KiwiCo box is a fantastic solution. 

During times of stress and uncertainty, the importance of self-care should not be overlooked. For anyone looking to promote relaxation and personal wellbeing, TheraBox is an ideal subscription that delivers therapeutic activities and wellness products each month, like bath salts and guided meditation exercises. 

Butcher Box
If there are any grill masters who are itching to fire up the barbecue, Butcher Box is the definitive choice for having high-quality meats delivered to your door. This subscription service is renowned for their grass-fed beef, free-range organic chicken and heritage breed pork, so you can rest assured that your family will be eating well without going to the grocery store.

There’s much debate going around as to whether liquor stores are considered an essential business, but with SaloonBox you can forget about having to leave the house for your favorite cocktail ingredients. While we could certainly survive without it, there’s no denying that having a virtual happy hour with friends and family can help lift morale at the end of a stressful day.