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Looking for a new project to tackle while at home? After spending a few weeks inside, by now you’re probably itching for a change of scenery, which means there’s no better time to make some changes around the house and put your interior design skills to the test. The best part is you don’t have to worry about visitors coming over anytime soon, so if things don’t turn out as you envisioned, there’s no harm done. Here are a few ways that you can upgrade your home’s interior design without going outside. 

Digital Design Services
Everyone who can is working remotely and interior designers are no different. Across the country, firms are going digital with their services by video conferencing with clients to advise them on ways to improve their living spaces. From digital consultations to product recommendations, you can still bring a professional eye into your home while staying safe.

Online Classes
If you’re more of a DIYer, then perhaps this is an ideal opportunity to enroll in that interior design class you never had time for. Of course, you can’t learn in an actual classroom right now, but there are plenty of virtual classrooms for design enthusiasts. In fact, famed interior designer Kelly Wearstler just launched a MasterClass in March. A look behind the curtain with one of the best in the business might just be the perfect way to improve your living space. 

Put Your Eye to the Test
There’s no better way to learn than simply diving in the deep end and actually doing it. If you find yourself with plenty of time to spare, why not try experimenting with different looks? Whether you’re simply curating a few objects, moving the artwork around or changing the flow by rearranging furniture, you can tackle one room each day and give your home a total makeover.