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While we may not be doing any traveling right now, you can still infuse the backyard with influences from around the world to transport you each time you step outside. Whether you’ve visited them in the past or they’re on your bucket list for the future, here are several iconic destinations that are known to embrace outdoor living with serious style.

Bali, Indonesia
When you think of Bali, chances are you’re picturing a tropical oasis. The Indonesian island, which is renowned for its lush jungles and picturesque beaches, has a distinct aesthetic that designers around the world often imitate and recreate. Just envision an abundance of greenery and teak furniture upholstered with a Balinese-inspired pattern beside your pool or water feature and you’ll feel relaxed in no time.

Santorini, Greece
You may not live in a villa perched on the cliffs above an impossibly blue Mediterranean Sea, but you can still capture the coveted look of Santorini in your backyard. Try to find a vibrant blue and white patterned textile for your outdoor decor and introduce rustic appeal in the form of a wooden pergola. Add a fig or eucalyptus tree and you’ll have your own slice of Greek paradise.

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
If you can’t go to Cabo, bring Cabo to you with a backyard terrace that captures this destination’s beloved aesthetic. Combine tropical and desert plantings, like cacti and palm trees, with hammocks and Acapulco chairs to create a breezy vibe where you can laze the day away. You can go big with a thatched-roof palapa or use simpler accents, such as traditional tiles, to make your Cabo-inspired retreat a reality.  

Paris, France
It’s no secret that Paris is a highly coveted destination for design-lovers. If you’re going for more of a formal style, then tap into your inner Francophile with elegant wrought-iron furniture and antique gaslight lanterns to illuminate evenings spent enjoying wine on the terrace. Manicured gardens will round out the look of a chic Parisian getaway.