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For the time being, social distancing is a reality that we all have to embrace. Hopefully, our daily lives will go back to normal soon, but the best thing we can do for ourselves and others right now is spend as much time at home as possible. Here are a few steps you can take to make the most of this trying situation.

Treat Yourself
You know all those wellness features and amenities that we’ve embraced over the past few years? Well, they’re more important now than ever. Take the time to slow down and enjoy the ways that your home can help relax the mind and body. Whether that means using the steam room for a few minutes each day or doing breathing exercises in your meditation studio, there is a proven connection between reduced stress levels and increased immune system functionality.

Stay Active
When you’re not used to working remotely, it’s easy to go a little stir crazy, especially for those who are usually on the go. That’s why it’s a good idea to have an exercise routine that you can do from home. If you have a home gym, then you’ve got everything you need, but all it really takes is a yoga mat and some open space to do a quick work out. Regular exercise can improve sleep quality and boost the immune system, but it will also help keep you from feeling pent up in the house. 

Optimize the Home Office
Under normal circumstances, you might only use your home office for a few hours each week. For the many workers who have recently gone remote, however, spending upwards of forty hours a week in this space will require some getting used to. Take the time to organize or rearrange your work space so that it’s optimized for productivity and you’re comfortable spending extended periods of time in it.

Deep Clean
Of course, if there was ever a time to give your home a deep clean, this is it. Chances are, you’ll feel much more relaxed after doing so. In addition to your usual cleaning routine, you can follow it up by disinfecting with an alcohol-based solution or household bleach. Pay extra attention to surfaces that get touched the most, like door knobs and drawers. After that’s been done, you can take a deep breath and enjoy time at home with your family.