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As we continue to adjust to the current disruption of our daily lives, one challenge that you may find yourself facing is keeping the kids busy at home. With schools being cancelled across the country, it’s important to have a plan for keeping your children active and instilling a new routine while at home for an extended period of time. Here are a few ways to ensure your kids stay busy around the house.

Prepare the Playroom
Make sure that your children’s play area is stocked up and ready to keep them entertained. Puzzles and board games can be a great way for them to stay mentally active while not at school. Additionally, you can set up an arts and crafts station where the kids can create different projects each day.  

Utilize the Library
If you have a library or reading area in your home, it’s the perfect space for the kids to spend an hour of daily reading time. Enforcing this will help to ensure they’re not staring at screens all day long and will maintain a sense of routine that they’re accustomed to having at school.

Cook Together
It’s time to get the whole family cooking together in that beautiful gourmet kitchen. With everyone doing their part to prepare a delicious, home-cooked meal, the little ones will be sure to feel a sense of productivity. Whether you’re making their favorite dinners or trying out a new dessert recipe, the kids will be eager to take part and be your little helper in the kitchen.

Designate Outdoor Time
Recess is most likely an integral part of their daily routine at school, so don’t overlook the importance of outdoor time. Whether they’re playing on the swing set, shooting hoops or just running around in the backyard, the physical activity will go a long way, especially when it’s time to wind down at the end of the day.

Enjoy the Media Room
Of course, that state-of-the-art media room can certainly come in handy right about now. After a long day of keeping them busy around the house, there’s no reason to feel bad about letting the kids do a little binge-watching of their own.