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Are you fighting boredom daily while stuck at home practicing social distancing? If there’s one thing you have plenty of time to do, it’s cooking. Here are some fun cooking and baking challenges you can partake in to reignite your love for fun in the kitchen.

Chopped-Style Challenge
This is probably the best one to do in these times. We are all having trouble finding what we need in our grocery stores, so our pantries are stocked with different types of beans, pastas, grain, etc. that we don’t really know what to do with. While it may not look like much, with a little creativity you can make something out of “nothing.” Pick three to five basic ingredients and try to come up with a recipe off the cuff. You’ll be surprised at what you churn out.

Hot Ones Challenge
Everyone loves a good Hot Ones episode, and if you’re brave enough, you can participate and post the results on social media. Prepare some wings (or an alternative like cauliflower) with varying spicy sauces that get gradually hotter. Have someone in your home film you as you eat them and answer questions interview-style. Just make sure to have a glass of milk handy just in case it gets to be too much. And if you have any allergy issues or tend to not do well with spicy food, this challenge may not be for you.

Great British Baking Show Challenge
If you prefer to bake instead, perhaps try a technical challenge a la Great British Baking Show. Have someone in your home provide you with a very basic recipe in which measurements are not included and the steps don’t go too in depth. This is for those bakers who have had some practice over the years, but it can really push you and help improve your patisserie skills.

Do a Family Challenge
This is the perfect way to get the entire family involved and away from the screens they’ve been attached to. Create a challenge that is easy enough for all ages in your household, or team up if you have some little ones that aren’t ready to go solo. An easy one to do is a chocolate chip cookie challenge. Cookies are pretty simple to make, but you can really play around with the recipe to make your own special creation.

Whichever challenge you decide to participate in, make sure you have fun. It’s easy to get frustrated when you’re cooped up at home, but even if the baked goods or cooked dishes don’t come out perfect, it’s a fun activity to tackle.
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