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Home theaters are one of the most sought-after features in luxury residences. In the past, you’ve probably used yours for family movie night or watching sports with friends, but chances are you never thought of it as a way to bring unique cultural experiences into your home. If you’re looking for something other than the typical movies and TV shows available online, here are a few ways that you can use your media room to get a much-needed dose of culture while staying inside. 

A Night at the Theater
Theater fans will be pleased to hear that there are now numerous ways to enjoy world-class productions at home. National Theatre, for instance, is uploading past performances to YouTube, like Jane Eyre, Twelfth Night and many more. You can also bring Broadway into your home via BroadwayHD, a monthly streaming service with hundreds of plays to choose from, including Cats and Les Miserables. 

Visit Museums and Art Galleries
In a single day, you’re now able to visit the Guggenheim Museum in New York, the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles and the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, thanks to Google Arts and Culture. If that’s not enough, there are tons of other unique experiences that utilize virtual reality technology, such as going inside a space shuttle or visiting National Parks all across the country. 

Music for All
We may not be going to live concerts any time soon, but audiophiles can still get their fix. Artists around the world are putting on performances from home, like Neil Young’s Fireside Sessions and the Royal Albert Hall Home series. For those who can’t get enough of the opera, nightly streams are now available on the Metropolitan Opera’s website and offer a rare opportunity to enjoy their performances in the comfort of your home.