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Despite the widespread effects of the coronavirus and social distancing guidelines, real estate transactions are still happening…just a bit differently.

Across the country, homes are increasingly being bought and sold virtually, and a key part of the process is a virtual showing of your for-sale home. Utilizing apps such as Facebook Live or Zoom, real estate professionals can “walk” a prospective buyer through the home to give them a real sense of the property. Here are some tips to work with your agent to maximize your virtual showing:

Choose the right app. First, make sure your real estate agent determines the best way to connect virtually with a buyer. Find out which app they’re most comfortable using, whether it’s FaceTime, Google Hangouts or Zoom. You don’t want a technical glitch to turn buyers off from the get-go.

Start in an eye-catching location. While traditional showings usually start by walking through the front door, that’s not necessarily the best approach for a virtual showing. Consider starting in a corner of your front yard or the street to showcase the expanse of your property, the roof and how your home is situated on the lot. Make sure your yard and front door are in tip-top shape so that they jump out on camera.

Light things up. Make sure all your lights are on and all window coverings are open to bring in the most natural light. Ask your agent if you should put higher-wattage lightbulbs in lamps and fixtures. You’ll need things as bright as possible for a video tour.

Think about orientation. If showcasing your home in a Facebook or Instagram story, vertical orientation is best. However, during a video showing, be sure to orient the camera horizontally.

Focus on key details. Work with your agent to decide which details to emphasize during the virtual showing, such as unique moldings and trim, updated appliances, high-end countertops or recent remodeling projects.

Remember, the most important strategy for virtual showings is to take them slow, making sure to pan over each detail of the home, slowly and smoothly.
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