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It’s that time of year again, but this Mother’s Day is going to be a little different than in the past. Taking her out to dinner or treating her to a spa day probably won’t be happening, but with some creativity you can still show your mom how much she means to you during these unprecedented times. Here are a few outside-of-the-box ideas that any mother will enjoy while staying at home. 

Create an Experience
You might not be able to spend the day with your mom, but you can plan a special day at home for the mother of your children. Whether it’s a brunch with her favorite foods or an elaborate dinner followed by a fun family activity, one of the best gifts you can give is a memorable time together. And if you’re not the most skilled chef, you can always make arrangements to have a delicious prepared meal delivered.

Online Courses
Has she always wanted to learn a new language or play an instrument? Now is an ideal time to do so and you can make that wish come true with an online course. From photography to ballet, there are endless activities that can be practiced at home. For the mom who already has everything, gifting a new skill is sure to make her day.

Comfy Clothing
It can be tempting to stay in our pajamas all day when we’re stuck at home, but by now most of us will probably agree that getting dressed is essential to being productive. That’s why luxury loungewear and athleisure wear are all the rage, making it the perfect gift for the mom who wants to be comfortable and stylish while working from home, exercising in the backyard or just hanging out with the family. 

Subscription Boxes
You probably can’t go shopping to pick out a gift, but you can certainly order one online. If you want to take that a step further, get a gift that keeps on giving, like a monthly subscription box of artisanal chocolates, fine wines or wellness products. You might not be able to spend time with her this Mother’s Day, but at least she’ll think of you each month when it arrives at her door.