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Our relationship with the home and how it provides us with shelter has changed forever. Even now, as the country explores how to safely reopen, we know that life will probably not go back to normal for some time. A result of this is that certain home features and amenities that were previously considered luxuries will now be considered necessities for many high-end buyers. Here are a few that we can expect to see with an increase in demand.

Home Gyms
We’re all itching to get out of the house, but chances are you won’t be rushing to the fitness club anytime soon. The gym is naturally a high-risk place for transmission of germs and, until a vaccine is available, those who want to stay as safe as possible will choose to workout at home. The good news is, with all the state-of-the-art technology available these days, you can still connect with your fitness community without leaving the house. 

Private Elevators
Demand for residences in high-rise buildings will certainly be impacted in the immediate future by this crisis, but if there’s one feature that can help to alleviate concerns of city buyers as we navigate a new normal, it’s a private elevator. Moving forward, affluent city dwellers are going to have a whole new appreciation for being able to come and go from their apartment without being confined in an elevator used by the entire building.

Multiple Dwellings
Outside of the city, family compounds with separate dwellings will have extra appeal for luxury buyers. Having a fully-equipped guest house or in-law suite where someone can self-isolate if necessary, provides peace of mind for many different potential situations. Whether you have elder parents who are at risk or a family member who has to travel for essential business, many high-end buyers will now view this as a must-have feature. 

Gated Communities
Across the country, sales have slowed, but many luxury buyers who remain motivated to make a purchase are gravitating toward gated communities. During times of uncertainty, it can be reassuring to know that your neighborhood is being closely monitored and has a little extra insolation from the outside world.