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With the chance that social distancing measures could remain in place through the summer, it’s time to give the backyard some extra attention. The good news is that you can still create your own outdoor oasis at home. Here are a few easy ways to make your backyard more enjoyable for the whole family.

Get That New Grill
The outdoor kitchen you were planning to design this spring might be on hold, but you can still get that state-of-the-art grill in time for barbecue season. After all, you’ll probably be using it more than ever, so why not upgrade the backyard with a professional-grade meat smoker or a smart grill equipped with a rotisserie system? 

Go Big on Lawn Games
If you can’t go to the country club this summer, bring the country club to you with classic lawn games that will keep the family active, like croquet and badminton. There are plenty of other games, such as spike ball and bean bag toss, that can liven up the backyard while the family is hanging outside and enjoying the fresh air. 

Upgrade the Furniture
With the right furniture, you can make your outdoor living area feel like your own private resort. Luxurious loungers, daybeds and a dining table will make the perfect additions to your terrace or pool area so that you can comfortably soak up the sun all summer long. An outdoor bar cart is another nice touch that can easily be ordered online for those who want to unwind with their favorite cocktail on the patio.

Time to Go Glamping
This will be a strange summer for the kids, especially if you had to cancel that big vacation they’ve been looking forward to all year. If you still want to give them a memorable experience, however, backyard glamping is sure to get them excited. You can set them up with everything they’ll need to make s’mores around a fire and comfortably spend a few nights under the stars.
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